William Gutierrez, MSHE, PT, OCS, ATC, CSCS
William Gutierrez, MSHE, PT, OCS, ATC, CSCS
Physical Therapist, Owner
William Gutierrez, Physical Therapist, is also the owner of Dade Physical Therapy. William holds the following certifications: Masters of Science
Vincent Ortiz
Vincent Ortiz
Physical Therapy Assistant
Vincent Ortiz is a Physical Therapy Assistant. Vince has been with Dade Physical Therapy for the past 7 years. He
Julio Martinez, PT, DPT
Julio Martinez, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist
Julio has been a part of the Dade Physical Therapy family since 2013. Julio graduated in 2008 from Florida International
Augusto Incer, DPT
Augusto Incer, DPT
Physical Therapist
Augusto Incer Augusto graduated with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Florida International University in August 2022. While at